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300 CAKES.


ONE egg, one cup of sugar, one tablespoonful of cold butter, half a cup of milk, one and one-half cups of flour, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, half a teaspoonful of soda. A nice plain cake to be eaten while it is fresh. A spoonful of dried apple sauce or of peach sauce, a spoonful of jelly, the same of lemon extract, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and spice ground or half a cupful of raisins might be added for a change.


THREE cups milk, two cups sugar, one cup yeast; stir to a batter and let stand over night ; in the morning add two cups sugar, two cups butter, three eggs, half a nutmeg, one tablespoonful cinnamon, one pound raisins, a gill of brandy.

Brown sugar is much better than white for this kind of cake, and it is improved by dissolving a half -tea spoonful of soda in a tablespoonful of milk in the morning. It should stand in the greased pans and rise some time until quite light before baking.


FOUR eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately, two teacups of sugar, one cup of sweet cream, two heaping cupfuls of flour, one tea- spoonful of soda, mix two teaspoon fuls of cream of tartar in the flour before sifting. Add the whites the last thing before the flour and stir that in gently without beating.


YOLKS of eight eggs beaten to the lightest possible cream, two cup- fuls of sugar, a pinch of salt, three teaspoonfuls of baking powder sifted well with flour. Bake in three jelly-cake pans. Make an icing of the whites of three eggs and one pound of sugar. Spread it be- tween the cakes and sprinkle grated cocoanut thickly over each layer. It is delicious when properly made.


SOAK three cupfuls of dried apples over night in cold water enough to swell them ; chop them in the morning and put them on the fire with three cups of molasses; stew until almost soft; add a cupful of nice

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