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it turns a golden brown. The above pie can be made into a tart with- out the addition of the meringue by adding criss-cross strips of pastry when the pie is first put into the oven.

Ail of the above are good if made from the dried and stewed apri- cots instead of the canned and are much cheaper.

Stewed dried apricots are a delicious addition to mince meat. They may be used in connection with minced apples, or to the exclu-

sion of the latter.


��PUT a quart of picked huckleberries into a basin of water; take whatever floats ; take up the berries by the handful, pick out all the stems and unripe berries and put them into a dish ; line a buttered pie dish with a pie paste, put in the berries half an inch deep, and to a quart of berries, put half of a teacupf ul of brown sugar ; dredge a tea- spoonful of flour over, strew a saltspoonful of salt and a little nutmeg grated over; cover the pie, cut a slit in the centre, or make several small incisions on either side of it; press the two crusts together around the edge, trim it off neatly with a sharp knife and bake in a quick oven for three-quarters of an hour.


PICK: the berries clean, rinse them in cold water and finish as di- rected for huckleberries.


Two TEACUPFULS of molasses ; one of sugar, three eggs, one table- spoonful of melted butter, one lemon, nutmeg ; beat and bake in pastry.


ONE cup of chopped raisins, seeded, and the juice and grated rind of one lemon, one cupful of cold water, one tablespoonful of flour, one cupful of sugar, two tablespoonful s of butter. Stir lightly together and bake with upper and under crust.


CUT the large stalks off where the leaves commence, strip off thf outside skin, then cut the stalks in pieces 'half an inch long; line a pie dish with paste rolled rather thicker than a dollar piece, put a

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