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floured, one pound of Zante currants, washed and floured, a quarter of a pound of citron cut in slips and dredged with flour, one pound of beef suet, chopped fine and salted, one glass of wine, one glass of brandy, one nutmeg and a tablespoonf ul of mace, cinnamon and cloves mixed ; beat the whole well together and, as the last thing, add the whites of the eight eggs, beaten to a stiff froth; pour into a cloth, previously scalded and dredged with flour, tie it firmly, leaving room for the pud- ding to swell and boil six hours. Serve with wine or brandy sauce.

It is best to prepare the ingredients the day before and cover closely.


ONE cupful of finely-chopped beef suet, two cupfuls of fine bread crumbs, one heaping cupful of sugar, one cupful of seeded raisins, one cupful of well- washed currants, one cupful of chopped blanched al- monds, half a cupful of citron, sliced thin, a teaspoonful of salt, one of cloves, two of cinnamon, half a grated nutmeg and four well-beaten eggs. Dissolve a level teaspoonful of soda in a tablespoonf ul of warm water. Flour the fruit thoroughly from a pint of flour; then mix the remainder as follows : In a large bowl put the well-beaten eggs, sugar, spices and salt in one cupful of milk. Stir in the fruit, chopped nuts, bread crumbs and suet, one after the other, until all are used, putting in the dissolved soda last and adding enough flour to make the fruit, stick together, which will take all the pint. Boil or steam four hours. Serve with wine or brandy or any well-flavored sauce.


IT WILL be found best to prepare the ingredients the day before and cover closely. Grate a loaf of stale bread, or enough for a pint of crumbs; boil one quart of milk, and turn boiling hot over the grated bread ; cover and let steep an hour ; in the meantime pick, soak and dry half a pound of currants, half a pound of raisins, a quarter of a pound of citron cut in large slips, one nutmeg, one tablespoonful of mace and cinnamon mixed, one cupful of sugar, with half of a cupful of butter ; when the bread is ready mix with it the butter, sugar, spice and citron, adding a glassful of white wine ; beat eight eggs very light, and when the mixture is quite cold, stir them gradually in ; then add by degrees the raisins and currants dredged with flour; stir the whole

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