Page:The complete poems of Emily Bronte.djvu/302

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It was a glimpse of truths divine
Unto my spirit given,
Illumined by a ray of light
That shone direct from Heaven!

I knew there was a God on high
By whom all things were made;
I saw His wisdom and His power
In all His works displayed.

But most throughout the moral world
I saw His glory shine;
I saw His wisdom infinite,
His mercy all divine.

Deep secrets of His Providence
In darkness long concealed,
Were brought to my delighted eyes
And graciously revealed.

And while I wondered and adored
His wisdom so divine,
I did not tremble at His power—
I felt that God was mine.

I knew that my Redeemer lived,
I did not fear to die;
I felt that I should rise again
To immortality.