Page:The deplorable history of the Catalans, from their first engaging in the war, to the time of their reduction. (1714).djvu/11

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That part of the War which King Charles had a share of in Portugal is almost Foreign to this Design, and indeed very little was done to have any mention at all: In June 1712. the Earl of Peterborough arrived at Lisbon from England, with a Body of 7000 Men, besides Marines, on Board the Grand Fleet.

That the Reader may better understand the design of this Expedition, it will not be improper to observe, that the Kingdoms of Arragon and Castile, tho’ united so long ago by the Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella, still preserve their ancient Enmities; and the Castilians, since the Death of King Charles II. had espoused the French Interest with a warmth little expected from a Nation formerly of so different an Interest, which Motive alone was a sufficient Reason for the People of Arragon to wish well to the Title of the House of Austria.

Thus under the name of Arragon is contain'd, not only the antient Kingdom so called, but likewise that of Valencia, and the Principality of Catalonia: The Valencians were very well inclin'd, but the Catalonians gave such Indications of their Zeal for their Lawful Sovereign, that Queen Anne, by the Advice of Her Ministry, thought fit to dispatch Mr. Crow, who had great Interest and Credit with the States of the Principality, to Treat with them about a Revolution, in which that Gentleman used a great deal of Dexterity and good Conduct, and for his Assistance, and the Encouragement of the People, had the following Credential Letter.
