Page:The deplorable history of the Catalans, from their first engaging in the war, to the time of their reduction. (1714).djvu/32

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Thus all our Felicity, and the Quiet of Europe, will be owing to the glorious Conduct and soveraign Direction of your Majesty. God protect the Sacred Royal Person of your Majesty as we desire, ahd is necessary for us.

From the Camp of Sarria, near Barcelona, October the 23d. 1705. the 23d 1705.

At Your Majesty's Feet

The Junta named by the King,

our Lord, of the Military Arm

of Catalonia.

A Letter to Her Majesty from the City of Vich.

WE should be wanting to the Law of good Vassals to our King and Natural Lord Don Carolos the Third (who God protect) if we did not return your Royal Majesty the Thanks due to you, (as we do hereby give the same) for having favoured him in the Conquest of this Principality, with the powerful Fleet govern'd by the most Excellent the Earl of Peterborough, General by Sea and Land; who by his great Zeal, Direction, Constancy and Valour, Mastering all Difficulties, and overcoming Impossibilities, which presented themselves in the Enterprise; has obtained a glorious Triumph over the Castle and Fort of Montjuich, and over the City of Barcelona, and with it over the rest of the Principality; we do therefore repeat to your Majesty our just Acknowledgment, assuring your Majesty, That as this good Fortune fills us with Joy and Acclamation, so it does much