Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/146

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¶ The ſecond fable is of the bore and of the wulf

SVche deſyren to be grete lordes / and dyſpreyſen his parents / that at the laſt becomen poure and fallen in to grete diſhonour / As thow mayſt ſee by this preſent fable / Of a bore / whiche was amonge a grete herd of other ſwynes / And for to haue lordſhip and domynacion ouer alle them / he beganne to make grete rumour / and ſhewed his grete teethe for to make the other ſwynes aferd / but by cauſe they knewe hym / they ſette naught by hym / wherof he diſpleaſed moche/ and wold goo in to a herd of ſheep / and emonge lambes / And whanne he was amonge the lambes / he began to make grete rumour / and ſhewed his ſharp and long teeth  ¶ And whanne the lambes herd hym / they were ſore aferd / and begganne to ſhake for fere /  ¶ And thenne ſayd the bore within hym ſelf / here is the place wherin I muſt abyde and duell  For here I ſhalle be gretely worſhipped / For euerychone quaken for fere of me /  ¶ Thenne came the wulf there for to haue and rauyſſe ſomme proye / And