Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/167

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outragyouſſly / ¶ And whanne the poure wulf ſawe hym thus oppreſſed / it vexed with ſtrokes beganne with alle his ſtrengthe & myghte to drawe / and ſuppoſed to haue caryed the fyſſhe awey / but ſo ſtrongly he drewe / that he drewe and pulled his taylle fro his ers / and thus he ſcaped vnnethe with his lyf / ¶ In the menewhyle thenne happed / that the lyon whiche was kynge ouer alle beeſtes ſelle in a grete ſekeneſſe / for the whiche cauſe euery beeſt wente for to ſee hym / as theyr lord / ¶ And when the wulf would haue gone thyder / he salewed his lord / ſaying thus to hym / My kynge I ſalewe yow / pleaſe it you to knowe that I haue gone round aboute the countre and prouynce / and in alle places of hit for to ſerche ſomme medycynes prouffitable for yow / and to recowere your helthe / but nothyng I haue found good for your ſekeneſſe / but only the ſkynne of a foxe fyers and prowde and malycious / whiche is youre body medycynal / but he dayneth not to come hyther to ſee you   But ye ſhalle calle hym to a counceylle / and whanne ye hold hym / lete his ſkynne be taken from hym / And thenne lete hym renne where he wylle / and that fayr ſkynne which is ſo holſome / ye ſhalle make hit to be ſette and bound vpon your bely / And within fewe dayes after hit