Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/86

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¶ The iiij fable maketh mencyon of the beestes and of the birdes

NOne maye do no good to two lordes at ones / whiche ben cotrary one to that other / as ſayth to vs this fable that the beeſtes made grete werre ageynſt the byrdes / & fought euery day to gyder / And the backe feryng the wulues And that the beeſtes ſhold vaynquyſſhe and ouercome the byrdes / wold haue hold with the beeſtes / and be ageynſt the byrdes / And whanne the batylle was ordeyned on bothe ſydes / the egle beganne to entre in to the batayll of the beeſtes by ſuche a ſtrengthe / that with the help of the other byrdes he gat the feld / and vaynquyſſhed / and ouercame the beſtes / wherfor the beſtes maade pees with the byrdes / and were alle of one accord and of one wylle / And for the treaſon that the backe had made / ſhe was condempned to neuer ſee the day / And neuer flee / but only by nyght / And alſo ſhe was deſpoylled of alle her fethers / And therfore he that wylle ſerue two lordes cōtrary one to other may-not be good ne trewe / And they wheche
