Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 2.djvu/272

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264 STRABO. CASAUB. 524. 5. The Greater Media anciently governed the whole of Asia, after the overthrow of the Syrian empire : but after- wards, in the time of Astyages, the Medes were deprived of this extensive sovereignty by Cyrus and the Persians, yet they retained much of their ancient importance. Ecbatana was the winter (royal ?) residence l of the Persian kings, as it was of the Macedonian princes, who overthrew the Persian empire, and got possession of Syria. It still continues to serve the same purpose, and affords security to the kings of Parthia. 6. Media is bounded on the east by Parthia, and by the mountains of the Cosssei, a predatory tribe. They once furn- ished the Elymaei, whose allies they were in the war against the Susii and Babylonians, with 13,000 archers. Nearchus says that there were four robber tribes ; the Mardi, who were contiguous to the Persians ; the Uxii and Elymagi, who were on the borders of the Persians and Susii ; and the Cossaei, on those of the Medes ; that all of them exacted tribute from the kings ; that the Cossasi received presents, when the king, hav- ing passed his summer at Ecbatana went down to Babylonia ; that Alexander attacked them in the winter time, and re- pressed their excessive insolence. Media is bounded on the east by these nations, and by the Paraetaceni, who are con- tiguous to the Persians, and are mountaineers, and robbers ; on the north by the Cadusii, who live above the Hyrcanian Sea, and by other nations, whom we have just enumerated ; on the south by the Apolloniatis, which the ancients called Sitacene, and by the Zagrus, along which lies Massabatica, which belongs to Media, but according to others, to Elymeea ; on the west by the Atropatii, and by some tribes of the Ar- menians. There are also Grecian cities in Media, founded by Mace- donians, as Laodiceia, Apameia, Heracleia near Rhagse, and Rhaga itself, founded by Nicator, who called it Europus, and the Parthians Arsacia, situated about 500 stadia to the south of the Caspian Gates, according to Apollodorus of Artemita. 7. The greater part of Media. consists of high ground, and is cold ; such are the mountains above Ecbatana, and the places about RhagaB and the Caspian Gates, and the northern parts in general extending thence as far as Matiane and Armenia. 1 In the text xti/zddtoj/. Kramer suggests the reading fi