Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 2.djvu/358

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350 STRABO. CASAUB. 589. Colonae also is a colony of Milesians. It is situated above Lampsacus, in the interior of the territory Lampsacene. There is another Colonse situated upon the exterior Helles- pontic Sea, at the distance of 140 stadia from Ilium; the birth-place, it is said, of Cycnus. Anaximenes mentions a Colonae in the Erythraan territory, in Phocis, and in Thes- saly. Iliocolone is in the Parian district. In Larnpsacene is a place well planted with vines, called Gergithium, and there was a city Gergitha, founded by the Gergithi in the Cymasan territory, where formerly was a city called Gergitheis, (used in the plural number, and of the feminine gender,) the birth- place of Cephalon 1 the Gergithian, and even now there exists a place in the Cymaean territory called Gergithium, near Larissa. Neoptolemus, 2 surnamed the Glossographer, a writer of re- pute, was of Parium. Charon, 3 the Historian, was of Lampsacus. Adeimantes, 4 Anaximenes, 5 the Rhetorician, and Metrodorus, the friend of Epicurus, even Epicurus himself might be said to be a Lampsacenian, having lived a long time at Lampsacus, and enjoyed the friendship of Idomeneus and Leontes, the most distinguished of its citizens. It was from Lampsacus that Agrippa transported the Prostrate Lion, the workmanship of Lysippus, and placed it in the sacred grove between the lake 6 and the strait. 20. Next to Lampsacus is Abydos, and the intervening places, of which the poet speaks in such a manner as to com- prehend both Lampsacene and some parts of Pariane, for, in the Trojan times, the above cities were not yet in existence : ' those who inhabited Percote, Practius, Sestos, Abydos, and the famed Arisbe, were led by Asius, the son of Hyrtacus," 7 1 The same person probably as Cephalion, author of a History of the Trojan War. 2 Neoptolenms composed a glossary, or dictionary, divided into several books. 3 Charon was the author of a History of the Persian War, and of the Annals of Lampsacus. 4 Adeimantes was probably one of the courtiers of Demetrius Polior- cetes. 5 Anaximenes was the author of a History of Early Times, and of a work entitled, The Death of Kings. The " Rhetoric addressed to Alexander," now known as The Rhetoric of Aristotle, has been ascribed to him. For the above see Athenseus. 6 Called "Stagnum Agrippae " in Tacit. Ann. b. xv. c. 37. i II. ii. 835.