Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/10

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VI CONTENTS. Chapter I. — continued. The French plan, The part taken l)y Lord Raghm at the conference, . French plan for the operations of the Enrjiish nriiiy, St Arnauil's demeanour, ...... Result of the conference, 23 23 25 2G 26 IV. March of the Allies, ..... Causes delaying the march of the English army. 27 28 V. The last halt of the Allies before the battle, 31 VI. Meeting between ]I. St Arnaud and Lord Raglan, 33 VII. Bos(iuet's advance, . He divides his force, ....... Disposition of the main body of the French army, . Of the English army, ...... The leading Divisions of the English army deploy into line. The Light Division not on its right ground, . The march continued, ....... 35 35 36 36 38 38 40 VIII. Spectacle presented to the llussians by the atlvance ot the Allies, ........•■ Notion whirli the Rns.sian soldiers had been taught to entertain of the English army, ....... Surprise at the sight of the English array. Fire from the shipping, Followed by a retrograde movement of Russian troops confront ing th« French, ........ 41 42 42 43 43