Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 8.djvu/13

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CONTENTS. IX Chapter II.— continued. IV. The engagement of the 17th of February 53 The enemy's acquiescence in this repulse, .... 58 CHAPTER III. THE EMPEROR NICHOLAS. The Czar's feelings after his discomfiture before Eupatoria, . 59 His illness 59 Subsequent rumours, ........ 59 Power of grief over the body, ...... 59 Official account of the Czar's malady, ..... 60 This consistent with the belief that it was brought about by grief, 60 Sequence of facts, . . .... .60 Death of the Czar, 60 The personal contention thus brought to end, ... 60 The fate of Nicholas, 61 Justice administered to a highly placed criminal, ... 62 CHAPTER IV. SIEGE OF 8EBASTOPOL FROM THE MIDDLE OF FEBRUARY 1855 TO THE SECOND WEEK OF APRIL. I. Morning of the 22d of February, 64 Sight observed by the French, 64 Todleben's inferences from what the Allies had been visibly doing, .......... 65 His counteracting plans, 66 His Selinghinsk Redoubt, 67 II. French night attack on the Selinghinsk Redoubt, ... 68 False report of this fight made to Canrobert, .... 72 Truce for burying the dead, ....... 73 VOL. VIII.