Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 8.djvu/26

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X.ii CONTENTS. Chapter X. — continued. VII. Venturesome course taken by Lord Raglan, .... 268 The latitude he gave to Sir George Brown, .... 270 VIII 271 IX. Return of the expedition, ....... 274 Feelings excited by its recall, . . . . . . .275 On board the flotilla, 275 In Constantinople, . . . • • • .276 On the fleet and the troops, . . . . • • -' 7 Canrobert's account of the recall, . . . . . .278 The justice due to him, . 279 X Letter from the French Emperor, 279 In explanation of the course he had taken 280 Comment on the letter, . . . . . . .281 CHAPTER XL TIIE EMPEROR'S DICTATION RESISTED, THE COLLAPSE OF HI8 PLAN, AND THE RESIGNATION OF CANROBERT. I. Canrobert and Nicl proposing consideration of the Emperor's plan, 283 Course taken by Lord Raglan, 284 His opinion of the plan, 284 And of what would be the right course, 285 II. Pelissier's letter of the 5th of May, 285 Wholesome bearing of the letter upon the counsels of the Allies, 287 Corollary resulting from the letter in ite bearing upon the Past 287 I'e.i tier's growing ascendant, • 288