Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/33

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CONTENTS. xxvu Chapter VI. — continued. THIRD PERIOD. 8.30 A.M. TO 9.15 A.M. ]. Strengtli of the Russicans on Mount Inkernuiu at this time, Strength of the Allies, . . ..... 309 310 II. Plan of the Ivussians, Their dispositions for the attack, The great trunk column, The flanking troops. The vanguard, Strength of the assailants, Of the forces opposing them. 311 312 312 312 21? 313 313 Til. Russian artillery-fire, .... Circumstances distinguishing this attack, Pennefather assailed on his own Ridge, . 316 316 317 IV. The enemy's vanguard, . The attacks it delivered, Attack on Boothby's derai-battery at the western extremity of the Home Ridge, Capture of the demi-battery, . Limited eft'ect of the capture, . Recapture of the three English Zouaves, .... The 57 th, .... The 55tli, .... Circumstances tending to mask the enemy's advance,

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