Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/36

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XXX CONTENTS. Chapter VI. — contimced. on it; III. Ground j'ielded by the English on the line of the Post-road, Haines forced to velin([uish his lodgment in the Quuny II Haines undertaking the defence of the Barrier, And constituting the ilainpicket Line, . General C! oldie, ....... AVithdrawal of the French from the fore-central part of the field, Kus.sian column ascending i'roni the Quariy Itavine, Major Dalzell's vain endeavour to repress it, . Attack directed against the Barrier and the ground riglit, And repulsed, ....... N eed of succours, ....... Steps taken for obtaining small reinforcements, The succour obtained by Ramsay Stuart, March of some 77th men under Pennefather's directions, The ' hay picket ' brought up, .... Accession of Horsford with a few score of men. General Goldie slain, ...... Haines in full command, ..... His continued defence of the Barrier, The enemy once more in the ascendant, . IV. Execution of Lord Raglan's orders to bring up two eighteen pounder guns, ........ Tliese planted in battery by Colonel Collingwood Dickson, The Guards ordered up in support, ..... The great relative power of these guns, .... I'jngagement between these two guns and tin? batteries on Shell HiFl ... Ascendant obtained liy the two eighteen-poumlers. The scope of the change thus wrought, .... Boussiniere's guns iu battery on the Fore Ridge,