Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 7.djvu/520

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476 APPENDIX. every week two iiiglita in bed. — To Secretary of State. Secret, Jan. '_>3, 1855. Note 12. — Lord llaglan. Despatch of that date to Secretary of State. Note 13. — Do. Despatch of IStli December. Note 14. — Quartermaster-Generars Address, pp. 154 and 236, and references there given. Note 15. — Lord Raglan to Secretary of State. Despatch 13tli January 1855. Note 16. — The Quartermaster-Generars measures for collectmg these materials began on the 8th of November, and soon resulted in his obtaining from neighbouring countries 46,345 boards and planks, and 11,697 pieces of scantling. The materials sent out from England were additional to these. Note 17. — Lord Raglan to Secretary of State, 13th January 1855. The materials composing each hut weighed two tons and a half. — Ibid. Note 18. — I might almost have said until two winters had passed, for the task of placing our whole army under huts was not completed until the end of January in the year 1856 — that is, about fifteen months after the time when the efibrt Note 19.— To Secretary of State, Jan. 23, 1855. Note 20. — From 22d Januaiy to 22d February, both inclusive, the numbers in hospital at the end of the successive weeks were 12,405, 13,022, 13,257, 13,594, 13,040. — Adjutant General'* Returns. Note 21. — With his knowledge of the state of the Sick List, he owned himself surprised by this apparent healthfulness of the men on duty. Note 22. — The Sarnia and the Pioneer. The cargoes on board these two steamers, and on board the Erminia (all three of these vessels reached Balaclava within iifteen days of the same time), comprised altogether about 1000 tons ; and these were ready for distribution, besides some portions of the 30 tons before sent out on board Mr William Lyon's yaclit the Fairy.