Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/432

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402 APPENDIX. case they are required, the number of troops necessaiy to attain this end. AUTIOLB II, It will appertain in this case exclusively to the Imperial Commander-in-chief to direct the operations of his army. He will, however, always take care to inform the Com- mander-in-chief of the Ottoman army of his operations in proper time. Article III. His Majesty the Emperor of Austria undertakes, by common agreement with the Ottoman Government, to re- establish in the Principalities, as far as possible, the legal state of things such as it results from the privileges secured by the Sublime Porte in regard to the administration of those countries. The local authorities thus reconstituted shall not, however, extend their action so far as to attempt to exercise control over the Imperial army. Article IV. The Imperial Court of Austria further engages not to enter into any plan of accommodation with the Imperial Court of Russia which has not for its basis the sovereign rights of His Imperial Miijesty the Sultan, as well as the integrity of his Empire. Article V. As soon as the object of the present Convention shall have been obtained by the conclusion of a Treaty of Peace between the Sublime Porte and the Court of Russia, His Majesty the Emperor of Austria will immediately make arrangements for withdrawing his forces with the least pos- eiblo delay from the territory of the Principalities. The