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A List of Books Published.

Captain McClintock.

Narrative or THE Voyage IN search of Sir John Fraxgurm and THE Discovery of his Ruxars, With 'Mups and Ilustrations. 1 vol. large 12mo, $1.60,

Charles Eliot Norton.

Notes or Travel AND Study ry Ivany. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.00. Just ready, «

Poems. By Miss Muloch, Author of "John Halifax," &c. vol. 78 cents.

Poems. By Sydney Dobell. 1 vol. Blue and Gold. 75 cts.

Avanian Days' Enterrarywenrs, Translated from the German of W. Hauff. By TH. Pelham Curtis. With Instrations by Hoppin. 1 vol. $1.25.

Hymns or Tre AGrs. With a Preface by Rev. F. D. Huntington, D.D. 1 vol. J2mo. $1.00,

Also a fine Edition, on large paper. 8vo. Bevelled boards. $3.00.

The Crusades and Tue Crusaders. By J. G. Edgar. With Hiustrations. 75 cents.

Ernest BracesnicGe; or, Schoolboy Days. By W. H. G, Kingston. With Illustrations. 75 cents.

Poems. By Henry Timrod. 1 vol. 16mo. 50 cents,

Sword and Gown. By the Author of "Guy Livingstone.' 1 vol. 75 cents.

Aumost A Herorne. By the Author of " Charles Aachester,' and " Counterparts." 1 vol. $1.00.

Twelve Years or A Soldrer's Lire: A Memory oF gue Lave Magor W. 8. R, Hopson, B. A. Edited by his Brother, Rev. George H. Hodson. 1 vol. $1.00.

Ras anv mis Frienps. By John Brown, M.D. 15 cents. Tre Lire anp Times or Sir Purr Srpxry. 1 vol. J6mo. $1.00. ' Erxust Carron, or Artist Lure uy Tracy. 1 vol,

T6me. 88 cents.

Christmas Hours. By the Author of "The Homeward Path," &c. J-yol. 16mo. 50 cents.

Memory anv Horr. Cloth. $2.00.