Page:The part taken by women in American history.djvu/423

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Part Taken by Women in American History

"Taxation without representation is tyranny."

"For the long workday, —
For the taxes we pay, —
For the laws we obey, —
We want something to say, —
By the ballot way,
And without delay!"
"Nothing is impossible to Organized
Womanhood, — united in aim and effort !"
"Why prayest thou on altar stairs
For God to do His will?
Thou art His instrument; go forth,
And thine own wish fulfill.

"The war drums beat no longer,
And the battle flags are furled
In the Parliament of man — the
Federation of the world !"

"Two beside the hearth,
Two in the tangled business of the world —
Self reverencing and reverencing each."
"Love (including justice and peace) is the fulfilling of the Law."
The Golden Rule is the Biblical and the common sense panacea for our social ills.
(Signed) Madame C. M. Severance.