Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/155

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

That our Religion was naught, and ſuch by which a man could by no means pleaſe God: which ſayings of 'his, my Lord, your Lordſhip very well knows, what neceſſarily thence will follow, two wit, That we ſtill do worſhip in vain, are yet in our Sins, and finally ſhall be damned; and this is that which have to ſay.

Then was Pickthank ſworn, and bid ſay what he knew, in behalf of their Lord the King againſt the Priſoner at the Bar.

Pick-thanks Teſtimony Pick My Lord, and you Gentlemen all, This fellow I have known of a long time, and have heard him ſpeak things that ought not to be ſpoke. For he hath railed on our noble Prince Beelzebub, and hath ſpoke contemptibly of his honourable Friends,

Sins are all Lords and Great ones. whoſe names are the Lord Oldman, the Lord Carnal delight, the Lord Luxurious, the Lord Deſire of Vain-glory, my old Lord Lechery, Sir Having Greedy, with all the reſt of our Nobility; and he hath ſaid moreover, that if all men were of his mind, if poſſible, there is not one of theſe noble Men ſhould have any longer a being in this Town.