Page:The tragedy of the Korosko (IA tragedyofkorosko00doylrich).pdf/140

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“I believe the fellow is friendly to us, but I can’t quite make him out,” said Cochrane to Belmont. “Do you think that he means that his name is Tippy Tilly, and that he killed Hicks Pasha?”

The negro showed his great white teeth at hearing his own words coming back to him. “Aiwa!” said he. “Tippy Tilly—Bimbashi Mormer—Boum!”

“By Jove, I’ve got it!” cried Belmont. “He’s trying to speak English. Tippy Tilly is as near as he can get to Egyptian Artillery. He has served in the Egyptian Artillery under Bimbashi Mortimer. He was taken prisoner when Hicks Pasha was destroyed, and had to turn Dervish to save his skin. How’s that?”

The Colonel said a few words of Arabic and received a reply, but two of the Arabs closed up, and the negro quickened his pace and left them.

“You are quite right,” said the Colonel. “The fellow is friendly to us, and would rather fight for the Khedive than for the Khalifa. I don’t know that he can do us any good, but I’ve been in worse holes than this, and come out right side