Page:The trail of the golden horn.djvu/205

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Helping Hands

“I am safe, Zell,” was the reply. “But never mind about that now. I shall tell you later.”

Marion was about to leave to go back into the other room, when Zell caught her by the hand.

“Save the Gikhi’s life,” she pleaded. “Don’t let him die. I want him to speak to me again, to tell me that he forgives me.”

“I shall do what I can for him,” Marion assured. “But if he has been shot, he will need more aid than I can give.”

“The doctor, you mean?”

“Yes. I wish Dr. Rainsford could come. He might be able to find the bullet and save the missionary’s life.”

“Can’t some one go for him?” Zell asked. “Oh, if I were only strong, I would go myself. Perhaps he is at Big Chance now. You said he would come to see Tim, didn’t you, Miss?”

“I left word at Kynox for him to come as soon as he arrived. But that seems a long time ago now, and he may have made the trip and returned to Kynox.”

“But perhaps he has remained to look after Tim,” Zell eagerly suggested. “Something tells me that he is at Big Chance now. Wouldn’t he come like the wind if he knew the Gikhi needed him?”

“I believe he would,” Marion agreed. “The doctor is a remarkable man, and always willing to make any sacrifice in order to help others.”

“But how can we get word to him? Who will make the long, hard journey?”

“I will.”

Marion gave a sudden start, and looked quickly round at these words. Just behind her stood her father, bulking large in the doorway.

“The girl is right,” he said. “I happened to over-