Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/127

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L 07ioing for Heaven. 43

for waters cold he doth not lonsf

for thirrt no more Ihall parch his tongue No rugged Itones his feet fhall gaule

nor flumps nor rocks caufe him to fall All cares and feares, he bids farwell and meanes in fafity now to dwell. A pilgrim I, on earth, perplext

w* linns w^ cares and forrows vext By age and paines brought to decay

and my Clay houfe mouldring away Oh how I long to be at reft

and foare on high among the bleft. This body fliall in lilence fleep

Mine eyes no more fhall ever weep No fainting fits fhall me affaile

nor grinding paines my body fraile W"" cares and fears neV cumbred be Nor lolles know, nor forrowes fee What tho my flelh Ihall there confume

it is the bed Chrift did perfume And when a few yeares lliall be gone

this mortall fhall be cloth'd vpon A Corrupt CarcalTe downe it lyes

a sflorious bodv it lliall rife In weaknes and difhonour fowne

in power 'tis raif 'd by Chrift alone Then foule and body fhall vnite and of their maker haue the light

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