Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/149

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Mcditatio7is. 63

come that brings a plaifter for his fore, or a cordiall for his laintinof.


T IS TE read of ten lepers that were Cleanfed, but of ^ * one that returned thanks: we are more ready to receiue mercvs then we are to acknowledjr them: men can vfe great importunity when they are in dif- trelles, and fliew great ingratitude after their fucceffes; but he that ordereth his conuerfation aright, will glorifie him that heard him in the day of his trouble.


I ^HE remembrance of former deliuerances is a great ^ fupport in prefent deftreffes: he that deliuered me, lath Dauid, from the paw of the Lion and the paw of the Beare, will deliuer mee from this vncir- cumcifed Philiftin; and he that hath deliuered mee, faith Paul, will deliuer me: God is the fame yefter- day, to da3^ and for euer; we are the fame that ftand in need of him, today as well as yefterday, and fo fliall for euer.


/'"^REAT receipts call for great returnes, the more ^^ that any man is intrufted withall, the larger his accounts ftands vpon Gods fcore: it therfore be- houes euery man fo to improue his talents, that when

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