Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/312

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2 26 Anne Bradji reefs Works.

The work-men put to death the bridge that made,

Becaufe they wanted skill the fame to've ftaid/

Seven thoufand Gallyes chain'd by Tyrians skill,

Firml}^ at laft accomplifhed his will.

Seven daves and nights, his hoft without leaft ftav

Was marching o're this new deviled way.'"

Then in Abidus plains muftring his forces,

He gloryes in his fquadrons and his horfes.

Long viewing them, thought it great happinefs,

One king fo many lubje6ls fhould poffefs :

But yet this light from him " produced tears,

That none of thofe could " live an hundred years.

What after did enfue had he forefeen,

Of fo long time his thoughts had never been.

Of Artiibantis he again demands

How of this enterprife his thoughts now ftands,

His anfwer was, both fea and land he fear'd,

Which was not vain as after ^ foon appear'd.

But Xerxes refolute to Thrace goes firfh, [io6]

His Hoft all ^ Lijfits drinks, to quench their thirft;

And for his Cattel, all Piffyrus Lake

Was fcarce enough, for each a draught to take;

Then marching on to th' ftreight T/iermopyle,

The Spartan meets him brave Leonade\

  • Instead of this and the five preceding lines, the first edition has, —

But winds, and waves, thele couples foon diffever'd. Yet Xerxes in his enterprife perfever'd ;

I length. "2 this interrupting Bay. « this goodly fight.

o thefe lliould. / as it. ? who.

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