Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/345

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The Four Monarchies. 259

But they accept not this in any wife,

Left he intend more fraud then facriiice,

Sent word that Hercules his temple flood

In the old town, (which then lay like a wood)

With this reply he was fo deep ' enrag'd,

To win the town, his honour he ingag'd:

And now as Babels King did once before.

He leaves not till he made the fea firm fhore,

But far lefs time and cofh he did expend,

The former Ruines forwarded his end:

Moreover" had a Navy at command.

The other by his men fetcht all by land.

In feven months time he took that wealthy-^ town,

Whofe glory now a fecond time's brought down.

Two thoufand of the chief he crucifi'd,

Eight thoufand by the fword then alfo di'd,

And thirteen thoufand Gaily flaves he made,

And thus the Tyrians for miftruft were paid.

The rule of this he to Philolas gave

Who was the fon of that Parmenio brave.

Cilicia to Socrates doth give,

For now's the time Captains like Kings may live.

Zidon he on Ephcjlion beftowes;

(For that which freely'^ comes, as freely goes)

He fcorns to have one worfe then had the other,

So gives his little Lordfliip to another.

  • fore. ^ help to him now lend ; ' Befides, he.

/ fpace he takes this lofty. g eafily.

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