Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/354

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Anne Bradstreet's Works.
And there with sorrows, fears & cares surrounded
Had now his army fourth and last compounded.
Which forty thousand made, but his intent
Was these[1] in Bactria soon[2] to augment:
But hearing Alexander was so near,
Thought now this once to try his fortunes here,
And rather chose an honourable death,
Then still with infamy to draw his breath :
But Bessus false, who was his chief Commander
Perswades him not to fight with Alexander.
With sage advice he sets[3] before his eyes
The little hope of profit like to rise;
If when he'd multitudes the day he loft.
Then with so few, how likely to be croft.
This counsel for his safety he pretended,
But to deliver him to's foe intended.
Next day this treason to Darius known
Transported fore with grief and passion,
Grinding his teeth, and plucking off his hair.
Sate overwhelm'd with sorrow and dispair:
Then bids his servant Artabasus true.
Look to himself, and leave him to that crew,
Who was of hopes and comforts quite bereft.
And by his guard and Servitors all left.
Straight Bessus comes, & with his trait'rous hands
Layes hold on's Lord, and binding him with bands
[141] Throws him into a Cart, covered with hides,
Who wanting means t' resist these wrongs abides,

  1. straight.
  2. these.
  3. layes.