Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/404

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3i8 Anne BradJireeVs Works.

A third Seleucus next fits on the Seat,


��And then Antiochiis firnam'd the great,

Whole large Dominions after was made fmall, [183]

By Scipio the Roman General;

Fourth Seleucus Antiochus fucceeds,

And next Epiphanes whofe wicked deeds,

Horrid Maffacres, Murthers, cruelties,

Amongft" the Jews we read in Machabees.^

Antiochus Eupater was the next,

By Rebels and Impoftors dayly vext;

So many Princes Itill were murthered.

The Royal Blood was nigh" extinguilhed;

Then'" Tygmnes the great Armenian King,

To take the Government was called in,

LucuUus^ Him, (the Roman General)

Vanquifh'd in fight, and took thole Kingdomes all;

Of Greece and Syria thus the rule did end,

In Egypt next, a little time wee'l fpend.

Firft Ptolemy being dead, his famous Son

Call'd Philadelphus, did poffefs -"' the Throne.

At Alexandria a Library did build,-^

And with feven hundred thoufand Volumes fiird;

The next two lines are not in the first edition. -^ Selcuchus next.

' then. 71 Againft.

  • I Mace. i. 20-2S ; 2 Mace. v. 1-22, and elsewhere. After this, the

first edition has, —

By him was fet up the abomination /'th' holy place, which cauled defolation ;

'" quite. w That. x next I'at on.

y The Library at Alexandria built,

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