Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/427

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Old Ens;land and New. 341

��Light Chriftendome, and all the world to fee

We hate Ronies whore, with all her trumpery.

Go on brave Effex with a Loyal heart,

Not falfe to Kin^, nor to the better part;"'

But thole that hurt his people and his Crown,

As duty binds, expel and tread them down."

And ye brave Nobles chafe away all fear,

And to this hopeful" Caufe clofely adhere;

O Mother can you weep, and have fuch Peers,

When they are gone, then drown your felf in tears

If now you weep lb much, that then no more [201]

The briny Ocean will o'reflow your fhore.

Thefe, thefe are they I truft, with Charles our King,

Out of all mifts fuch glorious dayes fhalP bring;

That dazled eyes beholding much fhall wonder

At that thy fetled peace, thy wealth and fplendor.

Thy Church and weal eftablilh'd in fuch manner,

That all fhall joy, that thou difplayVlft thy Banner;

And difcipline erected fo I truft.

That nurfmg Kings fhall come and lick thy duft:

Then Juftice fhall in all thy Courts take place.

Without refpe6l of perfon,^ or of cafe ;

Then Bribes fhall ceafe, & Suits fhall not ftick long

Patience and purfe of Clients off to wrong:

'« Go on brave EJfex, lliew whole fon thou art,

Not falfe to King, nor Countrev in thy heart, » By force expell, deftroj, and tread them down :

Let Gaoles be fill'd with th' remnant of that pack,

And llurdj Tyburn loaded till it crack, " bleffed. P will. l perfons. '- for.

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