Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/503

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��Abbot, Archbishop, his treatment of the Nonconformists, xxii-iii.

Abel, 374.

Abiram, 112 «.

Abram, 1S7.

Abrocomas, 239 and «.

Abjdos, 226.

Achjemenes, 20S, 216.

Achilles, 253. 261, 2SS. 347.

Actium, Battle of, 319.

Adam, 177 and n., 373, 375, 383.

Address to the Reader, 83. Poetical, of I. W. to the author, 86. Of H. S., 92.

Adela, 333 n.

^geria. The Nymph, 325.

Agawam (Ipswich) settled, xxxv. Simple Cobbler of, 85 n.

Age, Middle, xli, 156-61. Old, xli, 161-7.

Ages, The Four, of Man, xli, Ixv, 147-67.

Agesilaus, 244-5.

Ahab, 314.

Ahaz, 194-5-

Aire, or Air, xli, 119-22.

Albert, Archduke of Austria, 162 and 71.

Albion, 117 «., 361.

Alcies Son, 333. Explanation of the term, 333 n.

■Alexander the Great, 211, 250, 251- 91, 302, 310, 316. 349'. 351- Mrs. Bradstreet's account of his murder of Callisthenes, taken from Ra- leigh's '-History of the World," xliv-v. Mrs. Bradstreet's account of his visit to the tomb of Cyrus, taken from Raleigh, xlvi. His

��quarrel with and murder of Clei- tus, Mrs. Bradstreet's account of, taken from Raleigh, and from North's •• Plutarch's Lives," xlvi- vii, xlix-1. Mrs. Bradstreet's de- scription of the state of things after his death, taken from Ra- leigh, xlix.

Alexander (Aegus), 297, 309, 310.

Alexander of Epire, 316.

Alexander, Ptolemy, 319.

Alexandria, 295. "Building of. 262. Bullion the Jaxartes, 275. Library at, 318.

Algiers (Algere), Charles the Fifth before, 121.

Allibone, Mr., as to the publication of the first edition of the ■' Poems," xli 11.

Amaziah, 192.

"Ambrose," the, xxvii.

Amestris, 231.

Amiens, Gov. T. Dudley at the siege of, xii.

Amorges, 236.

Amraphel, Ninias supposed to be,


Amulius (yF^mulus), 323.

Amyntas, 251.

Anagrams on the author's name, 92.

Ancus Marcius, 326.

Andover, Ixiii, Ixvii «., 88 «., 89. Land reserved for planting the town of, xxxvi. Gathering of Church at, ib. Land for, bought of Cutshamache, xxxvii. Situa- tion of first settlements, ib. Burn- ing of the Bradstreet house at, Ixi- ii. Mrs. Bradstreet's burial-place not to be found in, Ixv.

Andrews, Bishop, xx.


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