Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/509

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��Darius Hjstaspes, Interregnum be- tween Cambyses and, 316-17. Made king, 217. Hjstaspes, 21S- 22. Xerxes' son, 232. Nothus,

235-7- Darius Ochus, 247 and n. Codoma-

nus, 249 and »., 254-61, 263-71. Datban. 112 and n. David's Lamentation for Saul and

Jonatban, xlii, 363-4. Davis, Mr., of New Haven, 29 «.,

32 71.

Dealings, Divine, 25.

Deatb as a sberift"'s officer. 156 nn.

Dedication to Meditations, Ixi, 47. P"ac-simile of, between 46 and 47. Latin Translation of, 74.

Dedication of the '• Poems," lii, Iv, 97. Date of, xli, lii.

Deliverance from a Fever. 12. Same subject, 13. From a Fit of Faint- ing- 15-

Delphi, 22S.

Demades. xlix.

Demetrius, 30S, 312-17.

Demostbenes, 293.

Denison, Major-General Daniel, 96 n. Cbosen Captain for Ipswich, xxxvi. One of the first settlers at Andover, ib. Marries Patience Dudley, liii ;/. Marries Rev. Si- mon Bradstreet to his cousin, Lucy Woodbridge, Ixvii n.

Denison, Elizabeth, 96 >i.

Dercyllidas, 244.

Deucalion, Deluge of, 118.

Dialogue between Old England and New, 330-43, xli-ii, lii.

Dido, Qiieen, 360.

Distemper of the body, Poem upon some, 392-3.

Divine Dealings, 25.

Dodd, Rev. John, xiii.

Don Anthony, 359.

Donne, Dr. John, xx.

Don (Quixote, xvi.

Downing, Anne, second wife of Gov. Bradstreet, Ixix. Her step-son's opinion of her, ib.

Downing, Emanuel, his daughter marries Gov. Bradstreet. ib.

Downing, Sir George, Bart., ib.

Drake, Mr. S. G., x.

Drake, Sir Francis, 360.

Du Bartas, 85, 92, 98. 100. 34S, 349. Notice of, li w. \\'orks translated by Sylvester, xvii, li. Mrs. Brad- streeVs obligations to, 98, li- Her fondness for his works, li-lii. Mil-

��ton's obligations to, ib. Poem in honor of, xlii, lii, 353-6.

Dudleian Lectures at Harvard Col- lege, founding of, liii «.

Dudley, Dean, his articles on Mrs. Bradstreet, x.

Dudlej', Deborah, liii tt.

Dudley, Dorothy, wife of Governor Dudley, xii-xiii. Signs church covenant, xxxi. Her death and virtues, as described by Mrs. Brad- street, lii-iii. Epitaph on, 369.

Dudley, Dorothy, daughter of Gov. Thomas Dudley, liii «.

Dudley, John, Duke of Northumber- land, supposed ancestor of Gov. Dudley, xi-xii.

Dudley, Joseph, notice of, liii n. Made President of the Provision- al Government of Massachusetts, Ixx.

Dudley, the Lady Mary, mother of Sir P. Sidney, xii.

Dudley, Mercy, notice of, liii n. Wife of Rev. John Woodbridge, 88 n.

Dudley, Patience, 96 n. Notice of, liii II.

Dudley, Paul, son of Gov. T. Dud- ley, notice of, liii n.

Dudley, Paul, son of Joseph Dudley, notice of, ib.

Dudley, Capt. Roger, father of Gov. Dudley, xii.

Dudley, Samuel, first child of Gov. Dudley, xiv. One of the first set- tlers at Andover, xxxvi. Notice of, liii n.

Dudle}', Sarah, notice of, ib.

Dudley. Governor Thomas, father of Anne Bradstreet, xi. One of the founders of New England, xi, 366. His ancestry, xi-ii. His birth, xii. Only son of Capt. Roger Dudley, ib. Left an orphan, ib. Nothing known of his mother, ib. Becomes a page of Lord Compton, ib. A clerk of Judge Nichols, //;. Goes to France at the head of a com- pany of volunteers, ib. At the siege of Amiens, ib. Returns to England, ib. Marries, xii - iii. Becomes a Nonconformist, xiii. Becomes the Earl of Lincoln's steward, ib. Moves to Boston, in Lincolnshire, ib Returns to the Earl of Lincoln's family, ib. Li\es at Clipsham, xiv. His first child, Samuel, born, ib. His daughter

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