Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/515

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Nabanassar, 195-6.

Nanni, Giovanni, 1S8 ;/.

Napier, John, Baron of Merchiston, xxi.

Narragansett Fort, Ixix.

NelDopolassar, 199-204.

Nebuchadnezzar, 199-204.

Nebulassar, 198-9.

Necho, Pharaoh, 200.

Nehemiah, 234, 246 ;/.

Netherlands, Archduke Albert made Governor of, 162 ;/.

New England, 91. Sir Edmund An- dros. Governor of, Ixx. T. Dud- ley one of founders of, xi, 366. Dialogue between Old and, xli-ii, Hi, 330-43.

New London, Conn., Simon Brad- street minister of, Ixvii ii.

Newtown. See Cambridge.

N. H., commendatory verses by, 91.

Nicea, 27S.

NicoUs, Thomas, "Judge Nichols," employs Dudley as clerk, xii.

Nimrod, 181-2. Same as Saturn, 182.

Nineveh, 183, 198. Rebuilt, 193.

Ninias, 187-8. Supposed to be Am- raphel, 187.

Ninus, 183.

Nod, Land of, 375.

Noe, Flood ot\ 118.

Nonconformists, their treatment un- der Archbishops Bancroft and Abbot, xxii-iii.

Nonconformist ministers, their num- ber in 1603, xxiv.

North Andover, first part of the town settled, xxxvii. Oldest house in, xxxvii -viii. Description of, xxxviii-ix.

North, Sir Thomas, his translation of Plutarch's Lives, xvii. Mrs. Bradstreet's indebtedness to, xlix-1.

Northumberland, John Dudley, Duke of, supposed ancestor of Gov. Dudley, xi-xii.

Norton, Rev. John, of Boston. 413 ;/. His mission to England with Si- mon Bradstreet, his cold reception on his return, and his death, Ix-i. His mission to England, 32 n. Safe return from mission, 38 n.

Norton, Rev. John, of Hingham, sketch of, 413 }i. His Funeral Elegy upon Mrs. Bradstreet, v, 409-13.

��Nothus, Darius, 235-7.

Nov-Anglia, 91.

Nowell, Increase, enters into church

covenant, xxxi. Remains in

Charlestown, xxxii. Numa Pompilius, 325. Nysa, built by Bacchus, 276.


Oakes, Rev. Urian, 96 ;/.

Occasional Meditations, 11.

Ochus, Darius, 247 and ti.

Ochus, 249 ;/., 263.

Ocrazapes, 189.

Ohim, 203 )i.

Old Age, xli, 161-7.

Old England and New, Dialogue

between, xli-ii, Hi, 330-43, Old Testament, Greek version of,

319 and 11. Oliver, James. 40S n. Olympias, 251, 2S6, 300, 302-6, 310,

311- Omphis, 276.

Orange, Mary, Princess of, her death, 30 and n. Reception of the news in Boston of the land- ing of the Prince of, in England, Ixx.

Orthobulus, 173 and «.

Ostia, building of, 326.

Ovid, xliii, 199.

Oxus, 273.

��Pacye, , marries Sarah Dudley,

liii n.

Palatinate, 163, 165 n.

Papists, Mrs. Bradstreet's hatred of, Ixiv.

Paracelsians, 105.

Parker, Mr. Thomas, xxxix.

Parliament, 337, 343 n. Mrs. Brad- street's svmpathy with, at the time of the civil war, Ixiv.

Parliament and Charles I., xxv.

Parmenio, xlvii, 254, 25S-60, 264, 267. Murder of, 2S2-3.

Pasargadse, xlvi, 211.

Paul's, St., Sir P. Sidney buried in,

351- Paulus, L. yEmilius, 317.

Pausanias, 251.

Peele, Mr. Robert, Ixxi n.

Pelham, Mr., 29 n.

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