Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/96

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12 Anne Bi^adjirecfs Works.

��For Deliverance from a feaver.

T T /"HEN Sorrowes had begyrt me rovnd,

^ * And Paines within and out. When in my flefh no part was fovnd, Then didlt thou rid me out.

My burning flelli in fweat did boyle,

My aking head did break; From fide to fide for eafe I toyle.

So faint I could not fpeak.

Beclouded was my Soul with fear

Of thy Difpleafure fore, Nor could I read my Evidence

Which oft I read before.

Hide not thy face from me, I cry'd,

From Burnings keep my foul; Thov know'ft my heart, and hail me try'd ;

I on thv Mercves Rowl.

O, heal my Soul, thov know'fi: I laid,

Tho' fiefli confume to novght; What tho' in dull it shall bee lay'd,

To Glorv't Ihall bee brovsiht.

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