Page:Theory and Practice of Handwriting.djvu/40

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Medical man to investigate) the Roman hand is possible and if the introduction of the former is equivalent to a monopoly for the latter this can only be hailed with gladness by Medical men.

By the dropping of one alphabet (there are really two now written and printed) an important relief would be afforded to the pupil and therewith also would disappear a national peculiarity which compels the Germans, in distinction to other nations, to allow their children's eyes to undergo a double strain.

Were one to prove the value of a correct position of the head from an oculist's point of view this would be going much too far and besides would be superfluous, for one cannot consider the defence of a position which no one attacks.

This only shall be stated that Vertical Writing, in addition, makes it possible to prescribe spectacles for pupils who are already shortsighted without the subsequent fear that this will help the increase of myopia through an incorrect position of the head. That vertical writing necessitates another form of Copy book, that is with shorter lines, is a very subordinate matter and one must in this as in many other respects realise the fact that while vertical writing is with us an unusual thing, it is as far as I know a usual thing in England and America.

"It is therefore, strongly recommended that the Imperial and Royal Supreme Council of Health would support to the utmost the endeavours towards a general adoption of Vertical Writing."

B.Opinions in Respect of Orthopædics

At the request of Herr Bayr, conductor of the City Public School in Vienna, the Commission composed of Messrs. Councillor Kusy, Councillor of Health Albert, and the experts Messrs. Von Reuss, Gouber and Lorenz met in the aforenamed school building to undertake an inspection of the children who were using the upright style of writing.

In the report now presented the theoretical grounds which were alleged on behalf of the straight middle position of the Copy Book and against the oblique middle position will not be stated, for