Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/15

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To R. P. D. Iohn Tritemius, an Abbot of Saint James in the Suburbs of Herbipolis, Henry Cornelius Agrippa of Netteſheym ſendeth greeting.

WHen I was of late (moſt reverend Father) for a while converſant with you in your Monaſtery of Herbipolis, we conferred together of divers things concerning Chymiſtry, Magick, and Cabalie, and of other things, which as yet lye hid in ſecret Sciences, and Arts; and then there was one great queſtion amongſt the reſt, why Magick, whereas it was accounted by all ancient Philoſophers the chiefeſt Science, & by the ancient wiſe men, & Prieſts was always had in great veneration, came at laſt after the beginning of the Catholike Church to be alwaies odious to, and ſuſpected by the holy Fathers, and then exploded by Divines, and condemned by ſacred Canons, and moreover by all laws, and ordinances forbidden. Now the cauſe, as I conceive is no other then this, viz. becauſe by a certain fatall depravation of times, and men, many falſe