Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/85

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Of Occult Philoſophy.
Book I


What things are under the power of Mars and are called Martial.

Theſe things are Martiall, amongſt Elements, Fire, together with all aduſt, and ſharp things: Amongſt humours, Choller; alſo bitter taſts, tart, and burning the tongue, and cauſing tears: Amongſt Metals, Iron, and red Braſs; and all fiery, red, and ſulphureous things : Amongſt Stones the Diamond, Loadſtone, the Blood-ſtone, the Jaſper, the ſtone that conſiſts of divers kinds, and the Amethiſt. Amongſt Plants, and Trees, Hellebor, Garlick, Euphorbium, Cartabana, Armoniack, Radiſh, the Laurell, Wolfs-bane, Scammony, and all ſuch as are poyſonous, by reaſon of too much heat, and thoſe which are beſet round about with prickles, or by touching the skin, burn it, prick it, or make it ſwell, as Cardis, the Nettle, Crow-foot, and ſuch as being eaten cauſe tears, as Onyons, Aſcolonia, Leeks, Muſtardſeed, and all thorny Trees, and the Dog-tree, which is dedicated to Mars. And all ſuch Animals as are warlike, ravenous, bold, and of clear fancy, as the Horſe, Mule, Goat, Kid, Wolf, Libard, the wild Aſs; Serpents alſo, and Dragons full of diſpleaſure and poyſon; also all ſuch as are offenſive to men, as Gnats, Flies, Baboon, by reaſon of his anger. All Birds that are ravenous, devour fleſh, break bones, as the Eagle, the Faulcon, the Hawk, the Vultur; and thoſe which are called the fatall Birds, as the Horn-Owl, the Scrich-Owl, Caſtrels, Kites, and ſuch as are hungry, and ravenous, and ſuch as make a noiſe in their ſwallowing, as Crows, Daws, the Pie, which above all the ſest is dedicated to Mars. And amongſt Fiſhes, the Pike, the Barbell, the Fork-fiſh, the Fiſh that hath horns like a Ram, the Sturgeon, the Glaucus, all which are great devourers, and ravenous.