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"Told ye I'd remember the spot!" cried Watson, triumphantly.

"But where is the cave?" went on the young ranchman.

"Like as not it's close by. Come, before the sun goes down an' it gits too dark."

Soon they were making their way along the foothills at the lower side of the mountain. They had to pass through considerable brush and while they were doing this Watson suddenly halted and pointed to his side.

"What is it?" asked Allen, as he also halted.

"If thet ain't a putty fresh trail then I miss my guess"

"It does look fresh, Ike."

"Ain't over twenty-four hours old, nohow," went on the old hunter. "Allen, I reckon we have struck it about right."

"But I see nothing of a cave."

"Let us follow the trail. The cave may not be persackly by the pines but in sight o' them, do ye see?"

"I do."

"Thet trail is almost in the direction I wuz goin'," continued Watson. "So we won't miss much if we go wrong. Forward it is!"