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A Commentary (Oxford University Press, 2022, 2nd ed) 1

Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Effectiveness of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 in eliminating discriminating and promoting gender equality (Report, December 2008)

Third Committee of the UN General Assembly, 16th sess, 1098th meeting, UN Doc A/C.3/SR.1098 (9 November 1961)

Third Committee of the UN General Assembly, 16th sess, 1099th meeting, UN Doc A/C.3/SR.1099 (10 November 1961)

Third Committee of the UN General Assembly, 16th sess, 1101st meeting, UN Doc A/C.3/SR.1101 (13 November 1961)

Division: General Division
Registry: New South Wales
National Practice Area: Administrative and Constitutional Law and Human Rights
Number of paragraphs: 283
Date of hearing: 9–11 April 2024
Counsel for the Applicant: Ms G Costello KC, Ms B Goding and Ms E Nadon
Solicitor for the Applicant Barry Nilsson Lawyers
Counsel for the Respondents: Ms B Nolan and Ms A Costin
Solicitor for the Respondent: Alexander Rashidi Lawyers
Counsel for the Intervener: Ms Z Heger and Ms Z Graus
Solicitor for the Intervener: Australian Human Rights Commission

Tickle v Giggle for Girls Pty Ltd (No 2) [2024] FCA 960