Page:Title 3 CFR 2002 Compilation.djvu/173

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Proc. 7616 Title 3--The President ANNEX Eftbctive with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the date of signature, the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) is modified as follows: A. General note 3(c)(i) is modified by deleting "Andean Trade Preference Act.....J or J*" and by inserting in heu thereof"Audean Trade Preference Act or Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act.....J, J* or Jh". B. General note I l(d) is modified by (i) deleting from subdivision (t) of such note the phrase "which are subject to textile agreements" and by inserting in lieu thcreof"which were not eligible articles for purposes of this note on January 1, 1994"; (ii) deleting from subdivision (ii) of such note the phrase ", except goods of subheadings 6402.20.00 and 6405.90.20 of the }iTS" and by inserting in lieu thereof"not designated as of August 6, 2002, as eligible for purposes of the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences under title V of the Trade Act of 1974"; (ill) deleting from subdivision (hi) of such note the semicolon after the word "containers" and by inserting in lieu thereof the phrase ", other than tuna in foil or other flexible airtight containers weighing with their contents not more than 6.8 kg each"; (iv) deleting the text of subdivision (vi) of such note and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "handbags. luggage, flat goods, \177vork gloves and leather wearing apparel tbat were not designated on August 5. 1983, as eligible amcles for pulposes of the U.S. Generabzed System of Preferences under title V of the Trade Act of 19747 (v) deleting the period at the end of subdivision (ix) of such note and by inserting a semicolon in lieu thereof, and by inserting the following new clause immediately below such subdivision: "provided that, in the case of goods described m subdtvlsmns (.), (iv), (v) and (vi), the President may proclaim duty- free treatnlent for any article that is the growth, product or manuglcture of a COUlUry both listed in subdivismn (a) of this note and enumerated below, where such arhcle is Imported directly into the customs territory of the United States froin a designated Andean Trade Promohon and Drug Erad\177cation Act (ATPDEA) beneficiary country that satisfies the custmns requirements of the ATPDEA and is enumerated below, \177fthe President determines that such article is not lmpon-sensitlve In the context of imports from a country or countries enumerated below: Bobv\177a Colombia Ecaador Peru Such goods shall be deslgnated m the '\177Speclal" subcolumn filllowing the rate o['duty of"Free" by the symbol "+" in pal entheses. Goods described m subd\177 \177s\177ons 0}, (iii), (vn), (WH) a\177d (ix) of this nol\177 and the product of a \275ouniry enumerated bereln shall no\177 be ehglble for such duty-free treatment under the tealis of this note." and (vi) deleting subdivision (e) of such note. C. The following provisions of the HTS are each modified by inserting, in the "Special" subcolmnn al\177er the duty rate of"free", in alphabetical sequence in the parenthetical expression the symbol "J+": 2709.00.10 2710.11.15 2710.11.25 2710.19.05 2710.19.15 2709.00.20 2710.11.18 2710.l 1.45 2710.19.10 2710.19.21 '160