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Dickinson: Toleration of the Corset.

region outward and forward has not been done away with in the average present day corsets as they run; though there is encouragement in a few cases with lifting possibilities and the vicious shapes are less common than formerly. But it will be seen that in my lists there are more harmful than tolerable stays, more defective than neutral forms.

The average pressures are:


Ribs, 42
Epigastrium, 25
Umbilicus, 44
Hypogastrium, 31
Ilium, 47

Deep Inspiration:

Ribs, 89
Epigastrium, 50
Umbilicus, 71
Hypogastrium, 47
Ilium, 61



Deep Inspiration.

Ribs 42

Ribs 89

Highest .. 80
Lowest .. 10

Epigastrium 25

Highest . 200
Lowest .. 40

Epigastrium 50

Highest .. 75
Lowest .. 10

Umbilicus 44

Highest 120
Lowest .. 12

Umbilicus 71

Highest .. 90
Lowest. ..... 10

Hypogastrium 31

Highest. 120
Lowest . . 30

Hypogastrium 47

Highest .. 70
Lowest .. 7

Ilium 47

Highest .. 100
Lowest .. 12

Ilium 61

Highest .. 150
Lowest .. 10

Highest .. 210
Lowest .. 12

Comparison of waist measure with and without the corset gives no clue to the amount of pressure exerted, and is no criterion of tightness or looseness. The gap between the steels on loosening the corsets gives a simple and practical measure of the amount of pressure exerted. If the patient cannot unhook without unlacing the tension is excessive. If, after unhooking and taking two or three deep breaths, and then drawing the corset into appo -