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the Apostles. He that is within the altar is pure: he that is without, whoever, namely, acts independently of the Bishop, the Presbytery, and the Deacons, is a man of unclean conscience.

VIII. I am not aware that there is aught of this kind in you, but, for the love I bear you, I put you on your guard, foreseeing as I do the snares of the Devil. Do you therefore, gathering a spirit of meekness, stablish yourselves in Faith, which is the flesh of the Lord, and in Love, which is the blood of Jesus Christ. Let none of you find a fault in his neighbour. Give no occasion to the heathen; lest, on the score of a foolish, the godly many be evil spoken of; for "woe unto him, because of whose levity My name is evil spoken of by any."

IX. Turn then a deaf ear to any man who departs in what he says from Jesus Christ, who was of the seed of David, and born of Mary; who verily was born, did eat and did drink; verily was persecuted, under Pontius Pilate; verily was crucified and died, being seen of them that are in Heaven, of them that are on earth, and of them that are under the earth; who verily also was raised from the dead, His Father raising Him; in the likeness whereto, us also who believe in Him shall His Father raise up through Jesus Christ, without whom the real life belongs not to us.

X. But if, (as some godless men, which are unbelievers, assert,) it was only His shade that suffered, (whereas they are but a shade,) how came I to be in bonds? and why do I rejoice in the prospect of "fighting with beasts?" In such case I perish to no purpose, and belie my Lord.

XI. Avoid then those mischievous offshoots, fruitful of death, the which if a man taste he shall die thereby; for these were not planted of the Father. For if they were, we should see them growing from the Cross, and their fruit would be unto eternal life; in accordance whereto He in His passion inviteth you under the title of His own Members. The Head and the limbs cannot therefore have a separate existence, for God hath promised their union, and Himself existeth therein.

XII. I send you my salutation from Smyrna, together with the: salutation of the Churches that are here with me, which have "every way refreshed me, both in body and spirit. My bonds supply you with a lesson; for I bear them for Jesus Christ's sake, praying that I may go to God. Continue in one mind, and