Page:Twentieth Century Impressions of Hongkong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports of China.djvu/850

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IN conclusion we must make acknowledgment of the valuable assistance with which we have been favoured in the task of compiling the present volume. Our thanks are due to His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong. Sir F. D. Lugard, K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O., for the kindly interest which he evinced in our enterprise, and to the Colonial Secretary, the Hon. Mr. F. H. May, C.M.G., for the official encouragement and support which he extended to our labours. Without exception, the heads of the Government departments of Hongkong showed themselves warmly in accord with the objects of our work and placed us under a great obligation by contributing signed articles on the following subjects:—Public Works (the Hon. Mr. W. Chatham, C.M.G.), Harbour and Shipping (the Hon. Commander Basil Taylor, R.N.), Finance (the Hon. Mr. A. M. Thompson), Health and Hospitals (the Hon. Dr. Atkinson), Police (Capt. Lyons), Education (the Rev. Dr. Bateson Wright), Flora (Mr. S. T. Dunn, B.A.), and Meteorology (Mr. F. G. Figg). The officers of the Municipal Councils of Shanghai treated our representatives with every courtesy, and in this connection mention must be made of Mr. W. E. Leveson (Secretary), Dr. A. Stanley (Medical Officer), Mr. C. Mayne (Engineer and Surveyor), Mr. K. J. McEuen (Deputy-Superintendent of Police), Mr. G. Lanning (Historian), Mr. G. M. Billings, B.A. (Headmaster of the Public School), and Mr. D. Macgregor (Superintendent of Parks and Open Spaces) of the International Settlement; and of Mr. G. Dantin (Acting-Secretary) and Mr. J. J. Chollott (Engineer and Surveyor) of the French Concession. Statistical and other information relating to trade and shipping at the various Treaty ports was readily furnished at the expense of no little time and trouble by the officers of the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs, notably by Mr. H. E. Hobson, the Commissioner at Shanghai; Mr. J. L. Chalmers, head of the Statistical Department; and Capt. W. A. Carlson, harbour-master, Shanghai; while the article on the Lappa Customs was written by Mr. A. H. Wilzer, the Commissioner. The representatives of the Press everywhere exhibited a spirit of camaraderie and goodwill which we thoroughly appreciate, and, although in such circumstances it is difficult to individualise, we may, perhaps be permitted to make especial reference to Mr. W. H. Donald (editor) and Mr. J. W. Bains (sports editor) of the China Mail, Hongkong; Mr. H. Montague Bell (editor) and Mr. W. R. Parkin (sports editor) of the North China Daily News, Shanghai; and Mr. J. Cowen (editor) of the China Times, Tientsin, who cheerfully placed their pens at our service. In addition to those whose names have been mentioned the following gentlemen have furnished articles to which the present volume owes in no small degree any merit which it may possess as a work of reference, namely:—the Archdeacon of Hongkong (the Anglican Church in China), the Rev. J. Steele, B.A. (Free Church Missions), the Rev. Father J. de Moidrey, S.J. (Catholic Missions), the Rev. W. Pearse (Chinese Religion), Mr. S. W. Tso (Ceremonies and Customs of the Chinese), Mr. James Wong, B.A. (Chinese Characters), Mr. H. T. Wade (Tea), Mr. J. Kerfoot (Cotton), Mr. A. H. Collinson, M.I.C.E. (Railways), Mr. Reg. Bate, F.R.G.S. (Newchwang, and Railways and Mines in Manchuria); Mr. J. C. Kershaw, F.E.S., F.Z.S., and Staff-Surgeon Kenneth Jones, R.N, (Fauna of Hongkong), Major Chapman (Volunteers of Hongkong), Mr. C. D. Wilkinson (Laws of Hongkong), Mr. A. Shelton Hooper (Sanitary Board of Hongkong), Mr. C. A. V. Bowra (Amoy). Mr. N. da Silva (Macao), Mr. H. L. Beer (Weihaiwei), and the Rev. Father Froc, S.J. (Meteorology of Shanghai). Nor can we forget our indebtedness to those who have assisted us with material for articles. Prominent amongst these are the Hon. Sir Paul Chater, C.M.G., the Hon. Dr. Ho Kai, C.M.G., the Hon. Mr. E. A. Hewett, Commodore Stokes, R.N., Major Ross, the Rev. F. T. Johnson, the Rev. C. H. Hickling, Mr. R. Shewan, Mr. Arathoon Seth, Mr. C. Mc. J. Messer, Mr. A. Bryer, and Mr. Denman Fuller (of Hongkong); Mr. F. S. A. Bourne (Assistant Judge of the British Supreme Court for China and Korea); Mr. E. D. H. Fraser, C.M.G. (British Consul-General at Hankow); the Rev. R. G. Winning, Major Brodie Clark, Captain A. J. Stewart, Dr. Fergusson, Mr. Joh. de Rijke, Mr. G. S. V. Bidwell, Mr. E. Gilchrist, and Mr. D. Baretta (of Shanghai). Chief among the many works of reference which we have consulted have been Mr. H. B. Morse's "Trade and Administration of the Chinese Empire," Dr. Eitel's "Europe in China," and Mr. J. Norton Kyshe's "History of the Laws of Hongkong."



October, 1908.
General Manager.