Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/393

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Cracow Cormr, Pmqglvania Dillriét. 387 procure Teach Case, Eh. he the faid Tent}: Cam-, then and there typ!. eing Commillioner of the Revenue of the faid Uniml Smtet, *·’VV and then and there intereited and employed in the execution of the duties of the faid 0flice,'to receive propolhls for conaraéling to build a light houfe on Cape Hal/mu, and a beacon on Shell Czyblc ifland, to contraf]: with, and give a preference to him the faid Robert I·VerralI, for the building of the faid light houfc and beacon, and in order to prevail upon him, the faid ‘1'e¢::b Cexz, to agree to give him, the faid Robert lV¤rmI/, the preference in and the beneht of fuch contrac}, he the faid Robert Wbrrnld then and there did wickedly, advifedly and corruptly, oll`cr to , give the faid Tend: Cam-, then and there being Ccmmiilioner of the Revenue of the United Slater, as aforefaid, a large fum of money, to wit—the fum of Seven Hundred Pmmlr, money of . Peuryylvania, equal in value to 1866 dollars and 67 cents, in contempt of the laws and conflitution of the faid (initrd Slater, to the evil example of others in the like cafe offending, and againft the peace and dignity of the faid United Stn!e.r,” On the evidence, it appeared, that, in confequenee of in- Entflions from the Secretary of the Treafury, lllr. Coxe had odicially invited propofals, for erefling the Light-Houfe, Etc. mentioned in the indictment, .that the defendant prefented pro- pofals ; and, while they were under confideration, he fent the offeniive letter, which was dated at Pbiladefpbia; but Mr. Cox: i having removed his oilice (in confequence of the Yellow Fever) to Burlkrgtwr, in the State of 1Qw-_7e»f¢y, received the lctter at the latter place, on the 28th of Sqomnber 1797, with other dif- patehcs from the Poli-Oilice of Brfol, in Pmryjltvnnia. On the rueipt of the letter Mr. Cox: immediately confulted Jl=Ir. Ingerfoil (the Attorney General of the State,) communicated the cireumfiance that had occurred to the Prefrdent, and invited the defendant toa conference at Bu•·lin_gtan. In this conference, the defendant acknowledged having written and fcnt the letter; ~ declared that no one e|1i: knew its contents, for “ in bulinefs done in his chamber, he did not let his left hand know, what his right hand did"; and repeated the offer of allowing Mr. Coxe a {hare in the profits of the contrafl. He then preficd . for an anfwcr ; but was referred by Ilfr. Cox; to the period, when the public oilices fhould be again opened in P.biluzIeqzHa. Accordingly, foon after the revival of bnlinefs in the City, the . defendant called at Jlfr. Cox}: omce; the whole fubjeft was · gone over, and perfe&ly recognized; the ofier to give the mo- ney menxioncd in the letter was repented ; and, in the fullel} manner, the defendant gave M»·. Cm- to underltand, that he would allow {you, as a conlideration for Afr. (Joxe’.r procuring him the contract. It was not pofitivcly ftatcd, that the letter was produced to the defendant at this interview; but he ad- vcttcd to, and unequivocally confirmed, its contents. Qcc 2 On