Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/573

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?0? U. 8. D?eis/o? on Petitions for Writ? No. ?69. 5. T. WOODWARD, P???OS?R, V. 5?S D. DAW?- SOS ?V A?.. April 6, 1908. Petition for & writ of certiorari to ?'he Uni?t St?es Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Cir-. cuit den/ed. Mr. ?eorge R. P?ck, M?. H. H. Fidd and Mr. E. C. H?he?s for petitioner. Mr. Edward Brad? for r?pondents. No. 675. EVA T. BROUGa ET AL., PETITIONERS, V. CHARLF_? K. SEYMOUR. April 6, 1908. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir' cuit denied. Mr. Pres/?y K. Ew/n? for petitioners. Mr. Ro?er W. Butt? and Mr. W//?ard F. Keen? for raspondent. No. 678. ROBERT H. K?soscs, PETITIONER, V. WILLIAM' H. HAND, TRUSTEE, ETC. April 6, 1908. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied. Mr. James L. Hopkins for petitioner. Mr. Edwin C. Branden?.rg and Mr. F. W. Brand?,nburg for re- spondent. No. 665. LUTC?HF?R ?,?D MOORE LU?SF, R COMPany rr ?., Pr?TXONZRS, V. W?LLXAM H. KNIGHT ET AL. April 6, 1908. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fift h Circuit granted. Mr. A. P. Pu?o for petitioners. No appearance for respondents. No. 681. E. tL McCu?v.N & Co. ET AL., P.?rrriONERS, '?). A. N. BORT. April 13, 1908. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Circuit ?ourt of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied. Mr. E?ert H. Hubbard for petitioners. No appearance for rmpondent.