Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1111

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TREATY WITII THE MENOMONEE INDIANS. MAY 12, 1854. 1067 May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, between the United States of America, by Francis Huebschmann, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, duly authorized thereto, and the Menomonee tribe of Indians, by the chiefs, headmen, and warriors of said tribe, such articles being supplementary and amendatory to the treaty of eighteenth October, 1848 ; having had the amendments made by the Senate of the United States on the second day of August, A. D. 1854, fully explained to us in general council assembled, which amendments are in the following words, viz: AMENDMENTS: ARTICLE 4. Strike out the words " one hundred and fifty thousand," and insert in lieu thereof the words: two hundred andjbrty-two thousand stx hundred and eighty-stx. Anrxorn 6. Insert at the end thereof the following: and assented to hy Osh—kosh and Ke-she-nah, chiefs of said tribe —— do hereby accept and consent to the said amendments to the articles of agreement aforesaid, and agree that the same shall be considered as a part thereof; and we, the said Osh—kosh and Kc-she-nah, having had the said articles and amendments fully explained to us, do hereby assent, accept, and agree to the same. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals, this 22d day of August, A. D. 1854. OSH-KOSH, his x mark. [L. s.] KE-SHE—NAH, his x mark. [L. s.] LAMOTTE, his x mark. [L. S.] `WAU-KE-CHON, his x mark. [L. s.] WAY—TAN-SAII, his x mark. [L. S.] CARRAN, his x mark. [L. S.] SHO-NE-NIEYV, his x mark. [L. s. PE-QUO-QUON-NAH, his x mark. [L. S.] SHAWV-POA—TUCK, his x mark. L. S. WAU-1’EN—NA-N OSH, his x niark. [L. S.] SHO-NE-ON, his x mark. [L. S. SHA-\VAN-NA-1’ENASSE, his x mark. L. S.] TA-KO, his x mark. L. S. KO-MAN-NE-KIN-NO-SIIAII, his x mark. [L. S. WAU-PA-l\IA}I-SI-IAEW, his x mark. L. S. AUI(—I{A—NA—PA-WVAEW, his x mark. [L. S.] AH-WA-SHA-SHAI{, his x mark. [L. S. CHECH-E-QUON-O-WVAY, his X mark. L. S. NAH-PONE, his x mark. [L. S. MO-SHA-SHAT, his x mark. L. S. I-YAW-SIIIEW, his x mark. [L. s. ICAH-WAY~SO'l`, his x mark. [L. s. MIS-KE-E-NA-NIEWV, his x mark. [L. S.] I—AM-A-TAH, his x mark. [L. S.] WIS-KE—NO, his x mark. [L. S. Signed in presence of J our: V. SUYDAM, Sub-Ayent, Cnks. A. GRIGNON, U S Interpreter, WILLIAAI POXVELL, F. Dasivormzs, E. D. Guszunn, HENRY C. Soorr, R. A. J ones, J OHN WII.EY.