Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/257

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THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 104. 1853. 237 For permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of the seventeenth of September, eighteen hundred and eighteen, five V°I· P·17°· hundred dollars; For blacksmith and assistant, during the pleasure of the President, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of the twenty-eighth of Vo1. p.s4o. February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, eight hundred and forty dollars ; For iron, steel, &c., for shop, during the pleasure of the President, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of the twenty-eighth of Vol. vii. p. 849. February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, two hundred and twenty dollars; For pay of miller, during the pleasure of the President, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of the twenty-eighth of February, Vol. vii. p. 349. eighteen hundred and thirty-one, six hundred dollars. Wyandots. — For permanent annuity, stipulated in the third article of Wysmdots. the treaty of the seventeenth of March, eighteen hundred and forty-two, V°l- P- 592- seventeen thousand five hundred dollars; For permanent provision for blacksmith and assistant, stipulated in the eighth article of the treaty of the seventeenth of March, eighteen V°I· VB- P- 592- hundred and forty-two, eight hundred and forty dollars; For permanent provision for iron, steel, Sec. for shop, stipulated in the __ eighth article of the treaty of the seventeenth of March, eighteen hundred V°l· "“· P· 592- and forty-two, three hundred and seventy dollars ; For permanent provision for education, stipulated in the fourth article __ of the treaty of the seventeenth of March, eighteen hundred and forty- V°l· "“· P· 592* two, five hundred dollars. meas. -— For permanent annuity, stipulated in the fifth article of the Wwwtreaty of the second of October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, three V0}- VH- P- 187- thousand dollars. M1znc6ag0es.— For twenty-fifth of thirty instalments as annuity, sti- Winnebagoes. pulated in the second article of the treaty of the mst of August, eighteen V0!- vii- P- 323- hundred and twenty-nine, eighteen thousand dollars; For twenty-second of twenty-seven instalments, as annuity, stipulated in the third article of the treaty of the fifteenth of September, eighteen V0!- Vii· P- 371- hundred and thirty-two, ten thousand dollars; For twenty-fifth of thirty instalments, for the purchase of fifty barrels of salt, stipulated in the second article of the treaty of the first of V¤r vii- p-828- _ August, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, two hundred and fifty dollars ; For twenty-fifth of thirty instalments, for the purchase of three thou- __ sand pounds of tobacco, stipulated in the second article of the treaty of VOL lm- P- 323- the first of August, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, six hundred dollars; For twenty-second of twenty-seven instalments, for the purchase of __ one thousand five hundred ounds of tobacco, stipulated in the fifth arti- V°r lm- P- 371- cle of the treaty of the fiheenth of September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, three hundred dollars; For twenty-fifth of thirty instalments for three blacksmiths and assist- __ ants, stipulated in the third article of the treaty of the first of August, V°I· '“·P‘ 323* eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; For twenty-fifth of thirty instalments for iron, steel, &c., for shop, stipulated in the third article of the treaty of the first of August, eighteen Vol. vii- p· 823- hundred and twenty-nine, six hundred and sixty dollars; For twenty-fifth of thirty instalments, for laborers and oxen, stipulated __ in the third article of the treaty of the first of August, eighteen hundred V°l· "“· P- 32;* and twenty-nine, three hundred and sixty-five dollars; For twenty-second of twenty-seven instalments, for education, stipula- __ ted in the fourth article of the treaty of the fifteenth of September, eigh- V°l· V"- P• 371* teen hundred and thirty-two, three thousand dollars;