Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/342

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822 THIR'I`Y·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 167. 185 4. Vol. vii. p. 607. For nineteenth of twenty instalments for the purchase of two thousand pounds of tobacco, stipulated in the second art1cle of the treat of th third of September, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, four hundred dollars; V01_,,;,_ P_ 50; .For nineteenth of twentyinstalments for farming utensils and cattle, stipulated in the second article of the treaty of the third of September eigliteeirhundred and thirty-six, five hundred dollars ; ’ Vol. vii. p. 507. For nineteenth of twenty mstalments for thirty barrels of salt, stipu- Z22`?}d.‘...i.”Z.F§$.‘.i“2*i.?L’1t}°Z‘§3.j’f..€]2°i.¥§3?$.i°S§€‘i?F}"S0i§.TP ‘°‘“"°‘° °*g"‘ · . r ; Vol. ix. p. sez. For third of fifteen instalments for pay of miller stipulatedtl fourtih article of the treaty of the eighteenth of October; eighteen lnihldrdd and orty-eirrht six hundred dollars. Navsjos. Nava]`0s.·; hor fulfilling treaty stipulations with the Navajos, pursuant vo], gx_ p_ gn to the requirements of the tenth article of the treaty of September ninth, eighteen hundred and forty-nine five thousand dollars. Omahus. Omahas. ——For blacksmith ,and assistant, during the pleasure of Vo1.vii. p.a29. the President, stipulated in the fourth art1cle of the treaty of the fif. tlegpgxhs of July, eighteen hundred and thirty, seven hundred and twenty Vol. p. 829. _For iron and steel for shops, during the pleasure of the President, iupulatedl mdthedfoprth article of the treaty of the fifteenth of July, eigh. een un re an t irty two hundred and twenty dollars; Vol. vii. p. 220. For fulfilling the stiphlations contained in the fifth article of the treaty gogzgugnggéptg-of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, forty-one $ For surveying and marking the boundary of the rese t' f land stipulated in the first article of the treaty of the sizitdhfffh df (march, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand two hundred o ars. mes and Ottoes and 1lHss0urias.—-For blacksmith and assistant, during the °“"“· pleasure of the President, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of Vo1. vii. p. am. the fifteenth of July, eighteen hundred and thirty, seven hundred and U twenty dollars; Vol. vin. p. 829. Fpgdiroyh anfd stelel for phop, during the pleasure of the President, stipu a m 1C ourt artic e of the treaty of the fifteenth of July eivhteen hundred and thirty, two hundred and twenty dollars · , D For fulfilling the stipulations contained in the fifth article of the treaty ggnfgzgfgeguth of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, twenty thou- ) For surveying and markinv the boundar of the t' f l d stipulated in thd, first article Et the treaty ofythe fifteehfhedfihlhhch, eifhteen hundred and fifty-four, eight hundred dollars. a Ottewas. Ottowas. - For permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth article of Vol. vn. p. 61. the treattiydoflthe third of August, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, one ousan dollars ; Vol. vu. p. 105. fFor permanent annuity, stipulated in the second article of the treaty 3 tgedsgvepteentli of November, eighteen hundred and seven, eight hunre 0 ar ; Vol. vii. p. 170. ({130; permatz;ent}pnr;·ugy, stipglated in the fourth article of the treaty 1 even cn o te `vlt l dr ' ' thmfszmd Eve hundred doppnasm er, 61,: 1 een 1un ed and eighteen, one Vol. vi:. p. 220. hor permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty agoglégngwggggtginth of August, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, one (g;?"?;;? Oltawas and Olufppewas.-For the last of twenty instalments in PP . _ V1 Y ,U}011cy, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of the twenty- o. v i. p. 402. eltgpxtg day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, thirty thousand 9