Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/698

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678 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 198. 1855. coal-house at rope-walk ; machinery for machine-shop and smithery; steam-engine and pump for rope—walk; completing the foundry, boiler, and machine-shop, and necessary tools for the same; and repairs of all kinds; two hundred and thousand three hundred and twenty-two dollars. New York- Maw .Ybrk.—-For extension of smithery; machinery for smithery; carpenters’ shop; oakum shop ; quay wall ; paving and flagging ; dredging channels; timber and knee slip ; dry-dock pavement; filling in low places and grading; oakum-picker; and completing the foundry, boiler, and machine-shop, and necessary tools for the same; three hundred and forty- five thousand nine hundred and forty-six dollars. For this sum required to pay amount due for iron work for engine·house, nine thousand five hundred dollars. Forrepairs of all kinds, twenty-five thousand dollars. Piiiiadetphia. PhiZadelpkia.——For adding sixty feet to ship-house F; roof of shiphouse F; roof to ship-house G; wharf number four; dredging channels ; repairs of dry-dock; and repairs of all kinds; sixty-six thousand seven hundred dollars; Washington Washington.-—For ordnance building, completing cradle to marine railway; extension of boiler-shop; conversion of ordnance to machineshop; forge-shop for new steam-hammer; shoring ways in ship—house T; lining walls of slip; pavements, drains, and gutters; grading and iilling low places; raising roof of brass foundry; fire engine-house; dredging channels; reservoir for water; gas-pipes and fixtures; and repairs of all kinds; one hundred and ninety-two thousand three hundred and eighty- six dollars. Norfolk. Norfolk. —-— For continuing quay wall; reservoirs for rain-water; dredging channels; foundry; engine of dry dock; carpenters' work-shop; rail tracks and cars at St. Helena; scows, landingeranes, and derricks; steam-boxes `and boilers; pitch-house; completing the foundry, boiler, and machine-shops, and necessary tools for the same; and repairs of all kinds; three hundred and twenty-one thousand three hundred and seventeen dollars. Pensacola. Pensacola. —For permanent wharf, deep basin, and dredging; coping for basin; filling in and paving; and removing sunk caisson; paint shop and eooperage, (to complete ;) repairs of cisterns numbers fourteen, twenty-five, and twenty-six ; water-pipes to permanent wharf; guard-house at west gate; shell-house; lightning conductors; railway to spar·house; steam·box ; fire engine-house; and repairs of all kinds; one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For repairs of officers! houses, number one to thirteen, rebuilding small stables, repairs of warrant oftieers’ houses, guard—house, and building three kitchens, twelve thousand dollars. b0§=*<=l<°N>'¤ Hm'- Sac/cctL’s Harbor.- For repairs of all kinds, two thousand dollars. Szm Fmuciscg San Francisco. ·—- For completing storehouse; completing blacksmiths' shop; completing carpenters’ shop; wharf; grading and levelling yard; houses for quarters; and repairs of all kinds ; three hundred and forty-five thousand dollars. For continuation of basin and railway, four hupdrcd thousand dollars. Hospitals. For Hospitals: Boston. d itz? Boston, Massachusetts.—h`or repairs of all kinds, six thousand o ars. New York. At Mw York, Mw Zark.-For enclosing wall; repairs of buildings and fences; grading and cemetery; machinery; labor and repairs of all kinds, nineteen thousand two hundred and seventy dollars. Y¤U¤<I¤lPl1l¤· At P/ailadehohia, l’cmtsylvania.——For repairing lower floor of main building; improving wharf property; repairs to furnaces, grates, and rangers; gas, house-cleaning, and whitewasliing; water rent; furniture, 3113 repairs to same, and repairs of all kinds; seven thousand one hundred 0 ars.