Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/773

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THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 69, 70, 71, 72. 1852. 733 Cmun LXIX.-- An Act for the Rdiqf of Gustavus A. De Russy, late an acting Parser July 21, 1852. in the Navy. —-——-———-—-— Bc it enacted by the Scnale and House of Represemtatives of the United States of America in Uongress assem6le0L That the Secretary of $36g to bg paid the Treasury bc, and he is hereby authorized and required, out of any to G¤S¤{V¤S A- money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay to Gustavus D° Russ)' A. D0 Russy, lute an acting purscr in the navy, the sum of three l1undrcd und sixty-two dollars, in full, of the balance of compensation to which he is entitled for his services in the capacity aforesaid. AP1’ROX’1iD, July 21, 1852. Cmm LXX.——An Act for the Rcliqf of James W Campbell, of Pike County, Mmzcri. July 21 1852 Bc it enacted by the Senalc and House dof Representatives of lhc United States of America in Cbngress assembled, Tl1&CJ&m€S.W. Camp- Jumcs W. bell, of Pike county, State of Missouri, be authorized to enter, frac of r charge, any of the public lands, subject to private entry, at one dollar cm_,,{n hulds on and twenty-five ccnts por acre, lying in the district of lands subject to q¤¤‘¢=1i¤ <><>¤disale at the l:md—0iIicc at Palmyra, in said State, not exceeding one hun- °‘°“S‘ drcd and twenty acres, upon making proof satisfactory to the register and receiver of said land-office, subject to the approval of the Commis— sioner of the General Land-Oilicc, that he is the legal assignee of John J. Jackson, and that two certain rcccivcr’s receipts, numbered ninctccn thousand five hundred cmd thirteen, and nineteen thousand five hundred and fourtccn, dated Juno twenty-six, eighteen hundred and thirty- eight, purporting to be issued by A. Bird, receiver at Palmyra, in favor of said Jackson, one for fifty dollars, and one for one hundred dollars, are genuine, and upon surrendering said receipts to the United States and cxecuting :1. relinquishment of all his right, title, and interest to the Izmd therein described. Approved, July 21, 1852. CHAP. LXXI.-1111 Act for the Rcliqf of Isaac Cobb. Ju]y 2], 1852, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the """"""“ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of km, com, to the Interior bc, and he hereby is directed, to place the name of Isaac be placed on the Cobb, of Abbott, in the State of Maine, on the pension list of the United §gff"°;_ gglhugt Stutcs, at the rate of twenty-four dollars per annum, commencing on the {romp Mm-ch 4: fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and forty-one, and to continue 1841- during his natural lité. Approved, July 21, 1852. Cum. LXXII.—-An Act for the Relief of Jblm Mblnlcsh. July ZL 1852 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the `“""i"` United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of John Mcmosh the Interior be, and he is hereby directed to place the name of John to be plagued on McIntosh, of the county of Montgomery and State of Kentucky, on the £;§g’;gf’;§‘0lffgl roll of invalid pensioners at the rate of eight dollars par month, to com- from 31m;}; 4; mcncc on the fourth day of March,cigl1tccu hundred and forty eight, 1848- and continuc during his natural lifc. APPROVED, July 21, 1852.